bill burr the Judas

Razvan Florentin Popescu
5 min readJan 9, 2019


I have a bad memory, dont know how i came across him, but we all scour constantly for new food for thought.. must be over 7years ago.

I loved him, well I still do, just that im attracted less by his art, depending on the topic / conviction he is holding; but ill get to that.

He was easy to love back then, mostly due to the subjects he approached. He went for human behavior issues, hypocrisy, lack of reason on a low level. Hes a sensitive dude, self-deprecating, rather vulnerable and hard to get mad at.

When i say i loved him, i mean i watched all his videos, listened to podcasts and whatever i came across. (still do to some extent) so i think I know him pretty well, as well as you can from a distance (and i really doubt he hasnt been open about everything passing his mind).

The first strike against him is that his material got diluted, it looks confused. What once made every phrase a punch of wisdom, a stimulating shot at vice, turned into light conflicts and topics.

Not going to make an aesthetics review now, if you dont see it, good for you. I mean look at his F is for Family.. that show makes no sense. those characters have no intimacy, no virtue, there are no patterns, the structure is basic, while the man said he loves Rick and Morty. the show is genius.. yet hes incapable of replicating even 20% of it. This might be his creative limitation as a person, might be the context, might be something he cant work with too well.
Maybe my perspective back then was narrow and i was easily entertained (but i rewatched his old stuff and still love it), or maybe im just wack somehow.

This one sticks out as a shock— his girlfriend at the time, Nia. He basically was proving to the world, all his rhetoric didnt have much foundation. You cant criticize an irrational behavior, then love it and take it home. The world is full of women, why pick one thats irrational ?

PS im not talking about second hand information, she often joined his podcast

it made no sense. — or maybe he believed 90% of females are irrational, and those left are unicorns / out of his league.
Time passed, i lost touch with his podcast, then i found out they married — FACEPALM, and guess what, he was trashing her now (the first years of relationship.. he seemed blind to her faults). — making me think my (and a lot of his fans) old impression wasn’t far off.

Even if he stopped turning a blind eye to her behavior.. nothing changed, their relationship bloomed into pregnancy.

Thing is, i can understand the pragmatism behind it, hes a ginger, shes black. Awesome! i do believe health is one of the most important virtues / markers to follow (as most men do and have done so), but nowadays when the quality of people is sliding, you gotta up your standards, especially when you are a well trained critic.
Bill is a public figure, an INFLUENCER, he touches peoples philosophies by merely breathing.
Now consider what seeing your preacher/mentor/human-you-respect-a-great-deal do certain things they preach against does to your subconscious, especially if your value system is not solid. — and lets be honest, our culture / science is pretty clueless about what values are, its not anyones fault.

Thats strike two.

Strike three and the worst, shows more clearly his limitations of vision (a compound of logic and creativity able to project variable interactions and consequences).

World changed, a war began, mee2s, feminism, leftists vs rightists, PC culture

According to Merriam Webster, Political Correctness is:

Conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.

Political correctness does not mean “politeness” or “inoffensive.” Nor does political incorrectness mean “rudeness” or “offensive.”

To be politically correct is to avoid offending people’s political sensibilities, which is not the same thing as being inoffensive.

To be politically incorrect is to not avoid offending political sensibilities, which is not the same thing as being deliberately offensive.

So Bill was thrown a fat juicy steak to work with. While he saw most of the hypocrisy behind it, behind crazy feminists, extremists, while he (being a leftist) saw that the incompetent ones, the “evil” ones are mostly from his camp, he admitted it and trashed them. So far so good.

Then other public figures, other comics got bullied and lost status, so in their defense and his, starts playing the card: ITS AN ACT. ITS JUST A JOKE. YOU CANT TAKE ONE THING AS A JOKE AND BE OFFENDED BY ANOTHER.
a poem he keeps telling, that would somehow remove the weight of his words.

The world is in crisis, grab your balls and stop deflecting your responsibilities.
Its one thing to joke about how many people hitler killed, which doesnt mean shit, and another to criticize his personality > competence > value system. Same with Trump, sure joke about his hair, or rhetoric, but you call him stupid, racist and dismiss him as incompetent. Not only are you talking about present issues, meaning your words influence peoples actions/votes, but you are making evaluations, you are saying THIS shit is BAD, THAT shit is GOOD.
If you do not see the difference between a random joke and a joke on a persons virtue/value system, then you are a dumb ass.

Billyboy.. when you say your discourse is a joke, it makes your philosophy a joke.. its you yelling HEY IM IRRELEVANT. MY ACT IS JUST FUCKING AROUND. THERE NOTHING TO LEARN FROM ME.

We all know thats not true. We all know that what attracted us to you, what attracts every human to another, is their virtue and what they prioritize.
You have been one of the strongest advocates of sanity. Thats what defines a great artist/comedian, someone who has the ability

  • to identify the nuances of good and bad in the world
  • to put words together so the message is stimulating for the masses.

Again, i have no clue if this is just him being defensive about the current PC context+stupid, or just stupid. Maybe family life gave him diabetes, maybe his dumb juicing did, what do i know.

Culture is a living organism, it evolves, it has its own value system, we all take part in it and recently it hit a low. If the thought leaders, the influencers do not become accountable for their words, who knows how long it will take, if ever, for our Culture to get healthy.



Razvan Florentin Popescu
Razvan Florentin Popescu

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