variables for human design

Razvan Florentin Popescu
5 min readJun 16, 2018


it’s essential for an actor to understand the variables of the system they are working with, especially when troubleshooting. being able to decompose / translate every action and behavior into variables, will allow for highly effective development processes.

============= highlevel philosophy [ERA]

value system
1 E.fficiency
2 R.esilience depends on q.logic+resources
2 A.daptability depends on q.creativity+resources

============= mental Attributes [RAWQ]

L1 bones — talents : grit/resilience R; adaptability/flexibility A
L2 tendons — awarenesses W : conceptual,emotional,sensory
L3 muscles — intelligences Q : vision [logic creativity], emotion, sensory [motion, visual, musical, verbal]

============= Needs/Values

— integrity [physical;emotional;conceptual]
#shortterm — reflex
— energy / resources / context < stimulation [conceptual;emotional;sensory] #shortterm — instinct
— intimacy / belonging / influence
#mixedterm — instinct
— power / challenge / status
#shortterm — instinct
— growth / faith / curiosity < stimulation [conceptual;emotional;sensory] #longterm — cognition


— prioritize CONCEPTUAL INTEGRITY > gathering information / no contradictions (ask questions and validate by them you understood their point)
— — — — — — — — — →comparing information / contradictions
(express your philosophy, compare to theirs + risk assessment)
— prioritize/actualize INTIMACY > articulate what you (think of)/(want from) the relationship shortterm/mixedterm/longterm.
— prioritize/actualize GROWTH > gain resources (directly or indirectly) shortterm/mixedterm/longterm from this interaction
— go META>TACT > express elegance (prevents escalation)
— — →CONTEXT > resources + timing + priorities + values + competences

============= communication > NVC sequence (marshall.rosenberg)

1 external / Stimulus [e s c]
2 internal / aWareness [e s c] > emotional reaction
3 conceptual phase 1 > W [e s c] + Q [e s v] > defining emotions
4 conceptual phase 2 > W + Q > sync specific [attributes,values] to emotions
5 modeling > W+Q+context > requesting concrete +present solution/action

============= mental intimacy scale

0 — deosnt know i exist (no awareness or relevance of your existence)
1 — knows my name (there is some relevance of your existence)
2 — says hello (shows courtesy)
3 — smiles (shows kindness)
4 — small talk (had neutral interaction)
5 — meaningful talk (shares personal values)
6 — resolved a big conflict (regained intimacy)
7 — prioritizes resolving conflicts (accountable with intimacy)
8 — wants to share everything — anxious (in sync with your value system)
9 — wants to share everything — secure

============ defensive triggers [Gepc] — [Sesc]

inteGrity[e p c] depends on RESOURCES + aWarenesses per Stimulation[e s c]
inteGrity.conceptual : internal info (conviction) vs external info >>>
inteGrity.political >>> autonomy/control; relatedness/intimacy; status/power

============ resources
R+A, inteGrity.emotion, inteGrity.conceptual (strategies/concepts)
+inteGrity.physical (immune system, muscles), food, sun
+internal.validation+external.validation (inteGrity.conceptual)

============= stress (resource usage) — #growth

> movement (body, eyes, breathing)
> fasting (dryfast, zerocarb)
> thermal (cold,hot) — cold baths, hot baths, face dunks
> light (eyes,skin) — sungazing, sunbathing, noartificiallight
> noise (ears) — (multiple sound sources)
> conflict
— internal > analysis
— external > interactions
> introspection (meditation)
> concentration (mindfulness, meditation)

============ conceptual growth sequence

1 external / Stimulus [e s c]
2 internal / aWareness [e s c] > emotional reaction
3 time > Resilience > stay in that emotion (+ or -)
4 conceptual > Q+W > sync emotion to specific variables [attributes,values]

============ functionality failsafe system (healing)

5.0 sleep quality (not quantity, circadian rhythm)
5.0 emotional efficiency/control (philosophy, selfesteem)
4.5 nutrient type (ruminant meat — organs)
4.0 nutrient macros (zerocarb carnivore, ketocarnivore)
4.0 low frequency feeding (1/few days, snake diet)
3.5 extreme cold-heat therapy (baths, showers, head dunks)
3.1 physical activity (calisthenics, tai chi, HIIT)
3.0 sun — grounding (morning sun, sungaze)
3.0 nutrient quality (hygienic, organic, cooked/raw)

====== lowlevel philosophy [PVM]

P .hilosophical concept, V.alue, M.ental attribute [Q intelligence; W awareness]
5.0 P)(physical.integrity do M)(w.sensory + information + resources
4.5 P)(CONTEXT do M)(Qs + Ws
4.2 V)(intimacy influence -so do M)(ERA + integrity + philosophy
4.1 >>>PHILOSOPHY (conceptual.integrity)V)(vision + information
4.0 V)(EFFICIENCY do M)(Qs + Ws + information + context
3.9 V)(accountability do M)(w.c + G.c + q[c+l] + intimacy + R
3.8 VM)(RESILIENCE do M)(R + G.conceptual + q.logic + resources
​3.8 V)(openness curiosity do M)(A + w.conceptual + w.sensory + q.logic
3.8 V)(growth discovery do M)(vision + Resilience + energy.selfesteem
3.8 VM)(ADAPTABILITY do M)(A + Qs + Ws + Gs
3.6 V)(action assertiveness do M)(Ws + G.conceptual + resources
3.5 P)(ENERGY.selfesteem do M)(q.creativity + G.conceptual + resources
3.5 V)(aesthetics -sx do M)(Qs + w.conceptual + w.sensory
3.2 V)(power challenge do M)(w.conceptual + G.conceptual + R
3.2 VM)(vision do M)(q.[c+l] + w.c + resources + information
3.1 P)(RESOURCES do M)(w.emotional + resources + integrity
3.0 P)(S.Emotional+S.Sensory do M)(w[physic+emo]+q[sensory+emo]

//depends on = do
//philosophy : intuitive vs rational


context — totality of objective factors
information — totality of stimulus (senzorial,emotional,conceptual)
energy — mental and physical resources
selfesteem — one’s perceived connection with reality given by internal and external validation
values —concepts that serve as models for human functionality
philosophy — hierarchy of one’s values

Efficiency — fastest and best results, minimum effort, minimum risk
Resilience — capacity to endure physical and mental strain for the long term
Adaptability— assess the context variations and form a strategy that suits them

defensive triggers — variables that prompt for action upon their change, usually accompanied by emotion.

physical inteGrity — body’s functionality and efficiency
emotional inteGrity — emotional state’s synchronization with context
conceptual inteGrity — known information’s synchronization with context

in real world manifested as

Autonomy — perceived control over one’s fate
reLatedness — perceived understanding of the design
sTatus —perceived external evaluation vs projection of self

— — — — — — — — — —

vision — projecting a set of variables as a system in time / space
aesthetics — perceived sensory efficiency
sensuality — being in touch with one’s sensors and expressing them efficiently
intimacy — exposure of one’s values and attributes > synchronization with others
accountability — responsibility for one’s actions, voluntary or involuntary
growth/discovery — drive for growth, learning, exploration (internal)
challenge/ambition — drive for conflict, action, creation (external)
authenticity — expressing oneself in accordance to one’s values
control — order , predictability , autonomy, influence
assertiveness — act in accordance to one’s values

awareness — presence, mental and physical sensibility to context
w.sensory— observe and decipher sensory stimulus
w.conceptual — observe and decipher concepts
w.emotional — observe and decipher emotions (internal/self, external/others)

intelligence— understanding and usage of specific attribute
q.logic —structuring and decomposition of information/concepts
q.creativity — composition / modeling of concepts
q.emotional — understanding emotion, efficient usage and interaction with
q.sensory — expressing sensory efficiency (movement,musical,visual sensitivity



Razvan Florentin Popescu
Razvan Florentin Popescu

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